EcoVadis is a global leader in sustainability ratings. It is one of the tools we use to improve environmental, social, and ethical practices in our own operations and across our value chain. The EcoVadis assessment rates policies, actions and results. We also use Ecovadis to conduct a holistic assessment of supplier risk profiles (country and industry risk) and procurement risk (spend and category criticality). We request suppliers and customers to participate with us in EcoVadis.
A supplier whose EcoVadis assessment does not meet our minimum score requirement is given the opportunity to improve performance within an appropriate timeframe.

We are a member of Together for Sustainability (TfS), a flagship initiative launched by companies in our industry that helps drive sustainability in our supply chain through collaboration and a shared infrastructure. TfS offers a uniform platform for sustainability assessments and audits, enabling evaluation and comparison of supplier performance.
We believe capacity building is crucial to creating a positive impact throughout our supply chain. To strengthen sustainability knowledge and practices, we offer the TfS Academy free of charge to all suppliers. The program provides training and resources on labor, human rights, and other sustainability topics.
We are subject to the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz - LKSG), which is a new regulation that requires companies to be accountable for their global supply chains. This legislation is particularly significant for our operations in Germany, and we are committed to ensuring that we meet all of our obligations under the LKSG. By doing so, we are showing our dedication to sustainability and responsible business practices.
With purchased goods and services (such as feedstocks and raw materials) representing a significant portion of our industry’s scope 3 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, companies and suppliers share the responsibility in reducing GHG emissions. At LyondellBasell, we are committed to reduce scope 3 emissions by 30% by 2030, relative to a 2020 baseline. The Product Carbon Footprint Guideline created by TfS helps member companies and their suppliers measure product and service carbon footprints across the value chain. By collaborating with our suppliers, we more effectively address the challenges and opportunities in addressing scope 3 emissions while also supporting their sustainability commitments.